Drug Rehab in Patterson, CA

Drug addiction is a complex mental, physiological, and emotional condition that requires skilled treatment. Drug rehab in Patterson uses the most up-to-date science and evidence-based medicine to help individuals overcome drug addiction and substance abuse.

With appropriate treatment and aftercare, sobriety can be maintained for a lifetime. Though drug rehab in Patterson is based on science, the staff also understands that compassionate care is key to helping both individuals and their loved ones cope with the consequences of addiction and the demands of treatment.

What Happens at a Drug Rehab Center?

Addiction is a complex biochemical process that changes the structure and function of the brain. Overcoming addiction requires the use of pharmaceutical and psychological treatments to counteract and reverse these changes. In general, drug rehab begins by focusing on the short-term consequences of withdrawing from the substance of abuse. This can include dealing with cravings, managing withdrawal symptoms, and more.

Following the acute phase of recovery, also known as medical detox in Patterson, drug rehab programs generally shift their focus to maintaining long-term sobriety. This usually requires addressing the emotional, psychological, and social factors that encourage drug abuse and relapse.

Therapy often focuses on understanding the underlying risk factors for drug use, such as depression and other mental health conditions. Recovering addicts learn to identify potential triggers, how to avoid high-risk situations, and are given tools and other long-term coping mechanisms that both they and their families can use to deal with the risk of relapse after they return home. With the proper tools, long-term sobriety is possible for most people.

Types of Addiction

In truth, it is possible to become addicted to anything that activates the reward centers of the brain. It is also true that anyone can develop an addiction. Some people are more prone to addiction than others, just as some people are more prone to developing diabetes than others, but the process of addiction is something that almost anyone can experience.

We often think of addiction in terms of the substance that an individual is addicted to. We often say that an individual is a heroin addict, an alcoholic, or a drug addict. In truth, there is a common underlying process of disease that we treat in every substance whether it is opiate or alcohol addiction in Patterson.

In general, the process of addiction begins with emotional pain followed a craving for relief or with simple experimentation. People often experiment with one substance or another until they find the drug that relieves their symptoms or produces the "best high." At first, use is moderate and something that the developing addict can control. Unfortunately, the brain can and does adapt to the presence of these substances and they lose their effect. This results in the addict seeking more and more of the substance until it becomes a preoccupation and begins to interfere with family life, work, social engagements, and more.

Drug Addiction Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of drug addiction can be divided into two general categories. The first category includes symptoms that the addict can recognize and the second category includes symptoms that friends and family can recognize.

Symptoms Addicts May Notice:

  • Feeling a need to use a drug regularly
  • Intense urges or cravings to use a drug
  • Needing more and more of a drug to get the same effect over time
  • Going to great lengths to ensure a constant supply of the drug. This is often accompanied by anxiety or concern when supplies begin to dwindle.
  • Spending money that you do not have to obtain the drug
  • Failing to meet obligations at work, cutting back on social or recreational activities, and withdrawing from friends and family
  • Engaging in risky activities, such as driving, while under the influence of a drug
  • Attempting to stop using the drug and failing
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop using the drug

Symptoms Friends and Family May Notice:

  • The person frequently misses school or work or performance at one or both declines
  • A general lack of energy and motivation
  • Neglected appearance and lack of interest in clothing and grooming
  • Changes in behavior including increased secrecy and new friends
  • Sudden requests for money without a reasonable explanation
  • Signs and symptoms of intoxication
  • Changes in mental or physical aptitude
  • Dilated pupils
  • Paranoia
  • Extreme anxiety or agitation
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Changes in sex drive
  • Violent or psychotic behavior

Treatment Options at Drug Rehab in Patterson

Though the process of addiction is generally the same for everyone, individual needs can differ drastically. Some people can undergo our treatment programs in Patterson while maintaining their lives at work and at home. They are generally good candidates for outpatient therapy.

For other people, the pull of their addiction may be too great for outpatient therapy to be successful. For these patients, admission to inpatient therapy at a drug rehab center can provide the isolation they need to gain perspective on their addiction and achieve the first steps in sobriety.

Inpatient therapy in Patterson can last for as little as 30 days or as long as 90 days, depending on the needs of the particular individual. The length of drug rehab in Patterson is based exclusively on the needs of the addict and his or her family.

Call us today at (877) 804-1531 to speak with an addiction specialist about our treatment options.

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